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The Role of Pedagogical Mentoring in Virtual Exchange

O'Dowd, R., Sauro, S. and Spector‐Cohen, E. (2020), The Role of Pedagogical Mentoring in Virtual Exchange. TESOL Q, 54: 146-172. doi:10.1002/tesq.543

This article focuses on the role of the teacher as pedagogical mentor in virtual exchange and examines the impact of the strategies and techniques that teachers use in their classes to support students’ learning during their online intercultural projects. Qualitative content analysis enabled the identification of the impact of mentoring that took place before the exchange and also revealed insights into what students learned when their own online interactions were integrated into class work. The article concludes by discussing the limitations and challenges of different types of pedagogical mentoring in virtual exchange and by outlining a list of recommendations for carrying out pedagogical mentoring in such projects.

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Research on virtual intercultural learning

This collection includes studies on online intercultural exchange, eGroups collaboration, online learning environments, online learning design, online mentoring, and online intercultural course

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Lan Jin