""Say Their Names" Collection: Training & Assessments for Equity, Inclusion & Social Change" 24 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Building a House for Diversity

45 minute activity. Suitable for all ages as it uses the metaphor of an elephant and a giraffe to discuss reactions to difference.

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Behavioral Rubric for Intercultural Competence

This rubric can be used as a formative assessment to set the tone for appropriate and effective behavior in any group of culturally disparate persons or culture-crossers. It can also be used by an observer or instructor to grade behavior(s) of an individual or a group. Triangulation of observed behavior with expressed self-assessment can, in the hands of a good debriefer or coach, lead to strong "a-ha" moments.

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Danger of a Single Story + Reflection Questions

As a result of using this media resource, participants will be able to: 1. Understand the ways in which narratives and stories can create stereotypes about people and places. 2. Analyze “single stories” participants may have about specific people or cultures. 3. Demonstrate how “single stories” influence bias and stereotypes in order to complicate and grow out of these viewpoints.

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Disagree Better: Empathy Gym

One hour activity. As result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the negative and positive aspects of empathy. 2. Develop empathy for those who are different from them. 

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Empathy for Those We Hate

30-minute activity. As a result of this activity, participants will: 1. Define empathy. 2. Consider how perspectives toward empathy have changed. 3. Examine the difference between empathy and tribalism. 4. Learn what the "dark side of empathy" means. 

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Flower's Point of View

20-minute imaginative exercise for putting yourself in the space of another being.

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How Easy is My Daily Life? (Lego Privilege Activity)

Just what it sounds like. Thanks to Renee Thomas, of Purdue's Black Cultural Center, for teaching us how to teach this one! Renee, your leadership is inspirational!

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Identity-Based Rejection Sensitivity

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the phenomenon of identity-based rejection sensitivity and its consequences. 2. Analyze potential solutions that avoid self-fulfilling prophecies of rejection based on a stigmatized identity.

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Keep it Real RX Diversity Board Game

As a result of using this media resource, participants will be able to: 1. Practice suspending judgement (Openness) and asking deeper questions (Curiosity). 2. Recognize emotional and intellectual dimensions of more than one worldview (Empathy). 3. Recognize new perspectives about own cultural rules (Cultural Self-Awareness). 4. Develop real connections based on deep relationships with other participants, ideally from backgrounds other than their own.  CILMAR thanks diversity educators Dr. Zenephia Evans, Ms. Renee Thomas and Ms. Annette Watters for introducing us to this one!

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Man on Fire: A Texas Town and its Racist Roots

Trigger warning: This film is highly emotional and discusses an actual case of suicide, specifically self-immolation as sociopolitical protest. Man on Fire tells the story of a white minister, Charles Moore, who set himself on fire in 2014 to protest the racism in his small town of Grand Saline, TX.

As a result of using this media resource, participants will be able to:

  1. Explore what small town racism looks like in contemporary America.
  2. Question the efficacy of Charles Moore’s death by protest in changing the situation.

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Privilege for Sale

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. "Realize what privileges they may not have and/or take for granted." 2. "Recognize that privilege is not only a legal construct but also social, religious, economical, and so on." 3. Understand "how their personal perspective, life situation, etc. influence the types of choices they make" (Bolger, n.d.).

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Scenery, Machinery, People

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Understand and articulate how we place people into categories. 2. Understand how empathy impacts how we form relationships. 3. Explain how they put people into categories in their lives. 

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Self-Care 101

This lesson asks participants to consider how self-care advice may be inaccessible or non-inclusive to a variety of populations. During this activity, they will be tasked with creating their own self-care guides and accessing their level of accessibility and inclusivity.

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Subtle Prejudice Questionnaires

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Develop awareness of how subtle beliefs and behaviors can affect social interactions in everyday life. 2. Reflect on situations where race, gender, sexuality, disability, weight, and age affect interactions.

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Two Week Project for a New You

As a result of this two-week reflection, participants will be able to: 1. Consider and articulate more personal details about themselves and their goals. 

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Whiteness Project Privilege Activity

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Give an example of white privilege. 2. Identify colorblindness as a form of white privilege. 3. Express how talking about whiteness can help deconstruct white privilege.

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Critical Mass

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Define the concept of "critical mass." 2. Analyze photos for critical mass, inclusion/exclusion, and stereotypes. 

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Openness to Diversity Assessment Tool

This assessment measures: 1. Diversity awareness about issues of value and appreciation, learning and knowledge, intercultural interaction, social justice, and discipline practice. 

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Addressing Microaggressions

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Learn what microaggressions are and be able to identify them. 2. Understand why microaggressions may be harmful or hurtful to others. 3. Understand the importance of rephrasing microaggressions in a way that is respectful.

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Culturally Responsive Classroom Climate Scale

This assessment measures: 1. The culturally-responsive classroom primarily in terms of instructor behavior on four factors: diverse language, diverse pedagogy, inclusion, and cultural inclusion. 2. The effect of instructor behavior on the test-taker. 

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Ethnocultural Empathy Scale

30-question survey that measures just what it sounds like it measures.

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Culturally Responsive Evaluation as a Resource for Helpful-Help

This four-quadrant model is perhaps most helpful as teacher development or as a framework for institutional assessment: it is designed to help the individual or the organization interrogate how she/he/they are interfacing, as evaluators, with the diverse communities and contexts which they seek to assess, serve and educate. 

That said, at least one CILMAR expert can recall upper-secondary students at International Baccalaureate schools who would have been capable of the level of self-awareness and abstract conceptualization necessary to use this tool to analyze (for example) their service-learning practice.

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Migration, an Empathy Exercise

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. "Raise new questions about the relationship between individuals, communities, and land. 2. Enhance understanding and empathy for peoples experiencing the loss of connection to home landscapes & new experiences in new landscapes. 3. Build skills for personal resilience in the face of future changes in personal connection to landscape. 4. Begin to consider the role of migration (and associated loss and/or imported preconceptions about landscapes) in past and present land use (e.g. in the American West)" (Ryan, 2012). 

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Gay Rights Movement Ventures Beyond...

As a result of this activity, participants will be able to: 1. Analyze passages for diversity and Intercultural Development Continuum stages. 2. Recognize and discuss Intercultural Development Continuum stages and views on gay rights. 

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