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Special issue of JTED, coming soon

John Dirkx and I are guest editing a special issue of the Journal of Transformative Education. The call is attached, and a brief description is below. Look for this journal issue to come out in 2020.

JTED Special Issue on Assessment of Transformative Learning

In spite of decades of important theoretical work on TL theory and its applications to myriad contexts, the discipline has struggled to operationalize the theory in such a way that transformative outcomes can be effectively documented. This special issue of the Journal of Transformative Education aims to address the dilemma of the need for assessment and the lack of assessment tools specifically for transformative learning by critiquing the current state of the field, presenting new approaches to operationalizing TL theory, and suggesting new directions for research.

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Acheson, et al. (2020) - Piloting new methods for assessing TL theory

When this chapter comes out (it is still in press), I'll ask the publisher if I can post a copy of it here. Meanwhile, if you want a pre-production copy, just send me an email at krisac@purdue.edu

This chapter involved a team of six researchers who piloted two methodologies, one quantitative (using the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory, or BEVI) and one qualitative (based on the American Association of Colleges and Universities VALUE rubrics). We present the pilot results and discuss methodological implications.

Citation (APA): Acheson-Clair, K., Dirkx, J., Wiley, J., Ullom, C., Kapadia, S., & Bhuyan, D. (in press, 2020). Assessing transformation of the self in high impact learning: Methodological considerations. In C. Shealy (Ed.), Cultivating the globally sustainable self: How the human species might fulfill its potential. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Acheson, et al. (2019) - Laying theoretical groundwork for new methods of assessing TL theory

When this comes out (it is still in press), I will try to get the publisher's permission to post a .pdf of the chapter here. Meanwhile, if you want a pre-production copy, just send me an email at krisac@purdue.edu

With my co-authors, I present in this chapter two cross-walks that align Hoggan's (2016) typology for Transformative Learning theory with existing instruments that could be used to assess it - the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory, or BEVI, and the American Association of Colleges and Universities' VALUE rubrics. 

Citation (APA): Acheson, K., Dirkx, J., & Shealy, C. (in press, 2019). Assessing transformative learning. In E. Kostara, A. Gavrielatos, and D. Loads (Eds.), Transformative learning theory and praxis: New perspectives and possibilities. Taylor & Francis.

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Dirkx (2012) - TL Theory and Soul Work

One of my favorite TL theory pieces, because it takes us deep into what is really important - the soul work of transformative learning. John Dirkx rocks :-) If you can't find this book handy, email John at Michigan State University - I'm sure he'll send you a copy. 

Citation (APA): Dirkx, J. M. (2012). Nurturing soul work: A Jungian approach to transformative learning. In E. Taylor & P. Cranton (Eds.), The handbook of transformative learning: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 116-130). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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Mezirow (1991) - Foundational source

This one is not open source - you'll need to find it in your nearest library or purchase it online. If you are interested in learning more about TL Theory, this is where it all began.

Citation (APA): Mezirow, J. (1991). Transformative dimensions of adult learning. San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass

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Hoggan (2016) - Metaanalysis article with a definition and typology for Transformative Learning

Open source article published in the Sage journal, Adult Education Quarterly.

Citation (APA): Hoggan, C. D. (2016). Transformative learning as a metatheory: Definition, criteria, and typology. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 57-75.

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