Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions - updated

By Daniel Charles Jones1, Kris Acheson-Clair1, Michelle M. Campbell2

1. Purdue University 2. Duke University

This study corroborates previous findings on the effectiveness of mentorship in study abroad and offers innovations for scaling up institutional efforts to support intercultural learning to reach larger numbers of students.

Listed in Open Access Publications

Version 1.0 - published on 17 Mar 2020

Licensed under CC0 - Creative Commons


Jones, D. C., Campbell, M. M., & Acheson, K. (2019). Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 30(4), 7-35.

Journal on Excellence in College Teaching

Evidence suggests that facilitated interventions in study abroad enhance gains in intercultural development, but many recent studies are not generalizable due to small numbers and lack of experimental design. In this study, subjects received individual or small group interventions online in a course with trained intercultural mentors. Pretest-posttest changes on an intercultural assessment, the Intercultural Development Inventory, for treatment groups and a control were analyzed for between-group differences. This study corroborates previous findings on the effectiveness of mentorship in study abroad and offers innovations for scaling up institutional efforts to support intercultural learning to reach larger numbers of students.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Jones, D. C., Acheson-Clair, K., Campbell, M. M. (2020). Intercultural learning in semester-long study abroad: A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of one-on-one versus group-mentored interventions - updated.

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