
Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton created this post

Resources for Instructors

  • Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Teaming 1, 2, and 3 (1 hr)
    Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM) are small learning units focused on a single element of intercultural competence (one construct from the American Association of Colleges & Universities VALUE rubric for Intercultural Knowledge and Competence). PIM are turnkey solutions that address the needs of instructors who don't see themselves as experts in intercultural learning. They are meant to be embedded within disciplinary course content, and multiple PIM can be integrated systematically throughout a program of study to support students' development of intercultural competence over a longer period of time.

    This course presents a helpful orientation to instructors utilizing one or more of the three PIM that focus on communicating effectively within diverse teams. The course provides a general introduction to PIM, explores the theoretical constructs taught in the Teaming PIMs, exemplifies a range of implementation options from more basic to more engaged, and offers suggestions for facilitation. 

    The PIM courses are listed below:

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Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton onto Teamwork


This collection provides teamwork activities and assessments for multicultural teams to build team effectiveness.

3 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton