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Important considerations for intercultural learning tool creation

How to incorporate artifacts of learning, learning outcomes, backward design, debriefing, stage-based pedagogy into your own adaptation and/or creation of intercultural learning tools.

  1. artifacts
  2. Backward Design
  3. best practices
  4. debrief
  5. outcomes
  6. stage-based

The original title for this self-learning module was "Best Practices in Creating Your Own Intercultural Learning Tools." It was first piloted with that title before a small group of educators from the Indiana-Ohio area at Purdue University and then presented as a pre-conference workshop (4 hours) at the 2020 WISE conference sponsored by Global Wake Forest in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

In preparing it for more evergreen use here on the HubICL science gateway, someone said to us, in the spirit of being more equity minded, "Whose 'best practices'?". We have taken this comment to heart and, in a spirit of camaraderie and cultural humility, have changed the title to begin "Important considerations," for that is what we offer here--important considerations for providing learners with a learning experience, not just something that they report to friends as a "good time." Perhaps they are best practices for some audiences but not for others; we leave that to your discretion.

We do know that we want learners to be able to say after one of our sessions, with some degree of clarity, "Today I learned...about myself, about others, and/or about the world."

We offer the following for you to experience, manipulate, and make your own:

  • artifacts of learning
  • learning outcomes
  • backward design
  • debriefing
  • stage-based pedagogy
  • adapting tool to context
  • creating original tools

We will give you some things to do along the way to solidify your learning and then ask you to come back and finish the coursework here. When you are finished, this module will show up as a completed course in your profile in the HubICL's Professional Development Zone. Should it not, please give us a gentle nudge at cilmar@purdue.edu.

