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Enhancing Team Performance Through Tool Use: How Critical Technology-Related Issues Influence the Performance of Virtual Project Teams

P. Weimann, M. Pollock, E. Scott and I. Brown, "Enhancing Team Performance Through Tool Use: How Critical Technology-Related Issues Influence the Performance of Virtual Project Teams," in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 332-353, Dec. 2013, doi: 10.1109/TPC.2013.2287571.

The research question is: How do critical technology-related issues concerning the selection and use of web-based tools influence the performance and satisfaction of virtual project teams? The results contribute to practice by providing a number of guidelines for the management of virtual teams as well as knowledge required by companies wishing to launch projects with virtual teams.


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Research on virtual intercultural learning

This collection includes studies on online intercultural exchange, eGroups collaboration, online learning environments, online learning design, online mentoring, and online intercultural course

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Lan Jin