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Documentary: On the Way to School (Sur le chemin de l’école) (2013)

Gabriel J. Esther, Emmanuel J. Esther and Samuel J. Esther all star in "Sur le chemin de l'ecole."

“On the Way to School” features four children on their way to school, each of them overcoming their own personal obstacles to get there. Samuel is pushed 2.5 miles in a homemade wheelchair by his younger brothers; Jackson has to avoid wild animals on the African savannah; Zahira navigates the Atlas Mountains weekly to get to boarding school; and Carlito has a 90-minute horseback ride across the pampas.

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Books and movies on cross-cultural interactions

This collection includes fascinating books and movies on interactions between diverse cultures and DEI. It can be shared in IDI debriefing sessions with students.

28 posts

Profile picture of Lan Jin

Lan Jin