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Design and development of a web App for ICT and intercultural competences professor self-training

Ricardo-Barreto, C., & Jabba, D. (2020, October). Design and development of a web App for ICT and intercultural competences professor self-training. In 2020 12th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (pp. 17-20).

This article describes the design and development of a web app to improve the intercultural and ICT competences of university professors, allowing them to create virtual intercultural learning environments. It proposes approaches based on principles of self-training, virtual education, interculturality, and universal learning design. Its development is adopted from the ADDIE instructional design model. The App considers the phenomenon of the use of technology as a means for self-training and appropriation of competences in virtual intercultural learning environments.

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Research on virtual intercultural learning

This collection includes studies on online intercultural exchange, eGroups collaboration, online learning environments, online learning design, online mentoring, and online intercultural course

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Lan Jin