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A Case Study: Students’ Perception of a Collaborative Game-Based Virtual Learning Environment

X. Huang, J. He and H. Wang, "A Case Study: Students’ Perception of a Collaborative Game-Based Virtual Learning Environment," 2020 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN), 2020, pp. 46-53, doi: 10.23919/iLRN47897.2020.9155159.

Virtual reality (VR) technology can create an immersive English language environment and then encourage the learners to use English by presenting different collaborative communication tasks. Thus, to promote learners in using the target language skills this study applied a spherical video-based virtual reality technology to build a linguistic environment, and a collaborative learning strategy was adopted to promote their communication. Additionally, a mixed-methods research approach was used to analyze students' achievement in a traditional classroom and a virtual reality supported collaborative classroom and to evaluate their perception of the two approaches. The experimental results revealed that the collaborative classroom, supported by virtual reality, was able to enhance students' achievements. Moreover, analysis of student interviews identified their attitudes towards the virtual-reality-supported collaborative class and the use of language learning strategies in those classes. 

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Research on virtual intercultural learning

This collection includes studies on online intercultural exchange, eGroups collaboration, online learning environments, online learning design, online mentoring, and online intercultural course

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Lan Jin