Knowledge Base

How to Submit to the Toolbox

How to Upload a Tool:

First, go to:

Select the “Create a Tool” button at the bottom of the left-hand toolbar.

You will see a screen with “Basic info” first. Make sure to click the “Save & Continue” button after completing each section. We encourage you to complete the sections with as much information as possible, but if you don’t know the answer to a category, leave it blank. The CILMAR team will add missing information as we curate the tool.

Basic Info

Name: Please provide a title and select the best category for your tool.

Kinesthetic: Does your activity ask its participants to move around at all? If so, select “yes” for kinesthetic.

Duration: Select the approximate maximum time for the tool in hours or minutes. For example, select “1” for hours or “60” minutes. The hours can only be whole numbers, so for an hour and a half activity, select “1” in hours and “30” in minutes, or “90” in minutes.

External Cost: Is there any cost for the facilitator to use the tool or to purchase materials (other than usually-accessible materials such as a projector and note-taking materials)? This also considers whether the tool must be purchased from an outside company.

Subgroup size: Select the best group size for the activity or course.

Source Information: The HubICL prefers an APA citation. However, we are happy to create the citation for you if you list all relevant source information.


You can select any relevant attributes from the AAC&U Rubric, Intercultural Development Continuum Stages, Dr. Vande Berg’s processes, and other skills that the tool will teach/improve. You can also leave these blank and a member of the HubICL will complete them for the tool before it is posted. 

Objectives, Materials, & Notes

Learning Objectives: These do not need to be formatted in a specific way, but can simply describe a few outcomes you hope the students/participants will gain from completing the activity or course. The HubICL staff will format them appropriately.

Materials: List items needed to complete the activity, both for the facilitator and for the participants. Consider any preparation the facilitator would need to make ahead of time and the room/space needed to complete the activity.  

Notes: An optional space to provide any additional strategies or information for other facilitators to know what to expect when using the tool.


Links can bring users to relevant readings or other supplemental materials from the internet. To submit a link, you also need to include a short title or description in the Text box. You can submit as many links as you like. If you are not including any links, click the red “X” button then “Save & Continue.”


This is a space to include any materials that you have created for the tool, such as a syllabus, assessment document, handout, or activity instructions. You can label those materials with your own bibliographic entry on them. The Downloads will accept documents in PDF and JPEG format, as well as Word, Powerpoint, or Excel documents. The file size may be too large if you are encountering an issue. However, if a document is not uploading properly, you can contact

Related Tools

You can select any tool from the Toolbox that is similar or related to your activity. They may fit well before or after a tool in a presentation, or are tools that are a maximized or minimized version of your tool.


You can select any relevant labels to help users find your tool. Hold the “control” key to select multiple tags at once. 

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