Tags: conversation

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  1. Don’t Say ‘Privilege’: Can the Left Find Better Words for Talking with People on the Right?

    Collections | 10 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    This article, from Sadiya Ansari at The Guardian, explores methods for open conversation and listening to understand based on research and findings on what tends put up and pull down walls in...


  2. How Unexamined Judgments Skew Our Understanding of the World | Sharon Kristjanson | TEDxWilmette

    Collections | 10 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    This video is informative for those who are working to incorporate aspects of invitational rhetoric into their interactions. Sharon Kristjanson offers 3 phrases to consider when engaging in...


  3. Six Differences

    Collections | 28 Feb 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    “Six differences” asks participants to find someone in the room who is different than themselves in six ways which aren’t appearance-based. “Six differences” is a...


  4. Different Similarities

    Collections | 28 Feb 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

     “Different Similarities” offers polarized students the opportunity to see how they are similar to someone that they thought was much different, and it also gives students who...


  5. Twenty-five Questions

    Collections | 28 Feb 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    “25 Questions” gives practice for domestic and international students to ask one another interesting questions that they might not think of on their own.


  6. Conversation starters are a great resource for language teachers

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Whether you are assigning conversation partners amongst your own students, or pairing them with native speakers externally, it is extremely useful to provide some structure and guidance for their...


  7. Twenty-five Questions, Different Similarities, and Six Differences

    Collections | 21 Jun 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    “25 Questions” gives practice for domestic and international students to ask one another interesting questions that they might not think of on their own. “Different...


  8. Team Tally
