Tags: Ten Lenses

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  1. Intercultural Learning Activities

    Collections | 14 Jun 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Contextualizing Identities (1 hour) In this activity, participants explore how different identities become more salient under different circumstances. Too American, Never American...


  2. Region VI: 10 Lenses Presentation

    Collections | 19 Feb 2019 | Posted by Julie Medlin

    My colleague Wilfrido "Willie" Cruz and I began using Mark Williams' Ten Lenses: Your Guide to Living and Working in a Multicultural World for staff development in...


  3. Highlights from a 10 Lenses event with the author Mark A. Williams

    Collections | 07 Nov 2018 | Posted by Annette Benson

    When Wilfrido Cruz and I were considering using The 10 Lenses for training in the Housing and Food Services division at Purdue University, we had the opportunity to see Mark A. Williams...


  4. The 10 Lenses Theme Song

    Collections | 07 Nov 2018 | Posted by Annette Benson

    If you enjoyed Mark A Williams' The 10 Lenses training by Wilfrido Cruz and Annette Benson, check out The 10 Lenses theme song!


  5. Region VI: 10 Lenses Presentation

    Collections | 07 Nov 2018 | Posted by Annette Benson

    My colleague Wilfrido "Willie" Cruz and I began using Mark Williams' Ten Lenses: Your Guide to Living and Working in a Multicultural World for staff development in...


  6. Through Other Eyes
