
Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson created this post

Christian Picciolini on Escaping the Neo-Nazi Movement and Helping Others Leave It Behind

In this episode of Clear + Vivid, Alan Alda interviews Christian Picciolini, a former member of a neo-Nazi group who now works to disengage people from extremist hate movements. During the interview, Picciolini describes his process for getting individuals to leave hateful ideologies behind: He first listens to them and engages them on a personal level. Then, when they're ready, he takes them to meet people who they thought they had hated. He says, "I can tell you that every single time I've done that, I've never had a bad experience and everybody's always walked away different."

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Creating brave spaces across party lines

I have come across several examples of people or groups of people doing innovative things to reach across party lines in order to engage in dialogue. I will document  them in this Collection as I find them, in case we would like to invite them to join us for a pre- or post- election meeting. Please let me know if you find examples that should be added.

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Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson