Critical Incidents and Case Studies

This collection provides resources that utilize case studies featuring critical incidents, or "brief descriptions of situations in which a misunderstanding, problem, or conflict arises as a result of the cultural differences of the interacting parties, or a problem of cross-cultural adaptation and communication. Each incident gives only enough information to set the stage and then describes what happened and possibly manifests the feelings and reactions of the people involved. It does not explain the cultural differences that people bring to the situation; these are meant to be discovered or revealed as part of the different activities" included in this collection (Apedaile & Schill, 2008, p. 7).

2 posts

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Annette Benson

Unpacking Implicit Bias

This collection offers resources on bias, including a self-directed course information and intercultural learning activities to unpack bias. 

3 posts

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Annette Benson

Growth Mindset

This collection offers resources and activities that address the intersection between intercultural learning and growth mindset.

2 posts

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Annette Benson

Humor Across Cultures

This collection provides resources and activities on humor across cultures.

2 posts

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Annette Benson

Teaching Intercultural Curiosity that Builds Bridges instead of Barricades

This is a Collection created for participants of the 2024 WISE conference, particularly those who attended the session on Teaching Intercultural Curiosity that Builds Bridges instead of Barricades; however, anyone interested in contemplating the topic of intercultural curiosity might find the contents of this Collection helpful.

4 posts

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Annette Benson

Visual Learning and Nontext-based Intercultural Learning Activity Tools

This collection came about after an important conversation at the AAC&U VECOIL Institute Monthly Meet up in October 2023. Questions were raised with regard to intercultural learning tools that offer visual options only and that are not dependent on reading text for learning outcomes. This collection includes tools from the toolbox that fall under this category with the tags "visual learning" and "nontext-based." 

14 posts

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Annette Benson

Question Activities

This collection includes question activities and resources to spark dialogue, and support relationship-building (i.e., mentoring, communicating across difference, etc.) and team-building.

12 posts

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Annette Benson

Resources for Interactive—Even Fun!—Resources for Reviewing the Intercultural Development Continuum, NAFSA Conference, June 2, 2023, 11:30am – 12:20pm

This Collection was created to capture the HubICL activities and resources demonstrated at the Interactive—Even Fun!—Resources for Reviewing the Intercultural Development Continuum session presented by Annette Benson, CILMAR, at the 2023 NAFSA Conference. 

8 posts

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Annette Benson

Thiagi's Blogs on Game Design and Pedagogy

This collection highlights Thiagi's expertise, research, and application of games and simulations.

3 posts

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Annette Benson

Resources for Ramping Up from Theory to Facilitation, WISE Pre-conference, February 2, 2023

This Collection was created to capture the HubICL activities and resources demonstrated at the Ramping up from Theory to Facilitation Pre-conference workshop presented by Annette Benson and Aletha Stahl, CILMAR, at the 2023 Wise Conference. 

6 posts

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Annette Benson

Communication and Empathy

This collection was presented at the 2022 NAFSA Region VI and VIII Conference as a toolkit of activities for building intercultural empathy through nonverbal communication.

5 posts

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Annette Benson

A Collection of Resources for Sharing Name Stories

Names Stories are a great icebreaker to teach openness and curiosity.

9 posts

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Annette Benson

Intercultural Praxis Collection

This collection contains Dr. Kathryn Sorrells' book, as well as a video and a case study, on the Intercultural Praxis Model.

3 posts

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Annette Benson

Resources for Teaching Graduate Students

These resources help graduate students become better presenters, improve intercultural communication skills, practice reflective self-awareness, and gain an understanding of intercultural learning. 

5 posts

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Annette Benson

Experiential Tools for Answering: Why Do All of the ______ Kids Stick Together?

In a previous position, I used to get this question a lot: "Why do all of the ______ kids stick together?" Domestic students would ask it about specific nationalities. International students would ask it about students from the US. One particular time stands out, when an English language and culture class asked their instructor why all the Americans stick together, why it was so hard to make American friends, etc. She asked me to come and address them. 

The first exercise in this collection--Language Envelopes--is how I jumpstarted the conversation with that particular class. The rest of the collection contains experiential activities that I wish we had had time to work through that day. I share them in hopes that, if you are asked the same question, you will find them useful.

11 posts

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Annette Benson

Articles by Global Dynamics Inc.

Global Dynamics provides research, training, and coaching in cross-cultural competence, global mindset, diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias, global leadership, teambuilding, and virtual workforce effectiveness. 

This collection includes articles published by Global Dynamics, as well as a short memoir by Dr. Neal Goodman, CEO of Global Dynamics. 

2 posts

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Annette Benson

Ice Breaker and Community Building Activities

The activities featured in this collection help participants get to know one other and build community together. 

54 posts

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Annette Benson

Scaling Up Intercultural Learning in the Purdue Curriculum

This collection features Purdue's journey to scale up intercultural learning by embedding it into the curriculum. 

2 posts

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Annette Benson

Intercultural Learning Resources for Civil Discourse

This collection contains resources (such as activities, readings, etc.) that can help foster civil discourse across difference. 

12 posts

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Annette Benson

Emotion Labor

The tools in this collection address the concept of emotion labor and ask participants to consider how emotion labor affects themselves and others.

15 posts

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Annette Benson

Films as discussion starters

These tools use films to facilitate intercultural learning. 

28 posts

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Annette Benson

Cycle of Assessment Plans and Reports for the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Research (CILMAR)

The reports available in this collection demonstrate CILMAR's cycle of assessment. Each year, CILMAR publishes a planning report that establishes the organization's goals for the year. Then, staff members write up a final report assessing whether or not those goals were met. 

13 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools that Use Playing Cards

When you need an intercultural activity and only have a deck of playing cards, these tools will work. 

5 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools that Use Board Games

These interactive tools use board games to teach intercultural competence. 

6 posts

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Annette Benson


This collection features tools in the HubICL Toolbox that address issues related to intersectionality. Several of these tools use various media, such as podcasts, documentaries, and news articles, to demonstrate how the concept can be applied to everyday issues and events. 

7 posts

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Annette Benson

Creating brave spaces across party lines

I have come across several examples of people or groups of people doing innovative things to reach across party lines in order to engage in dialogue. 

22 posts

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Annette Benson

Video clips addressing immigration/migration & refugees

The video clips in this collection were used in Dr. Robert Cox's course, TECH 330: Technology and the Global Society. These videos address immigration/migration and the refugee experience from a variety of perspectives. 

13 posts

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Annette Benson

TECH 330: Technology and the Global Society

TECH 330: Technology and the Global Society is a course in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. It was designed and taught by Dr. Robert Cox, Professor and Associate Dean for Globalization. The course focuses on the intersections between technology, globalization, and ethics and can be used as a model/example of a global technology curriculum. This collection includes the syllabus, weekly PowerPoints, and activities associated with the course. The posts in the collection are divided by week and theme. 

13 posts

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Annette Benson

Purdue Virtual ICL Webinar Series

This collection provides links to each episode of Purdue's Intercultural Learning and Inclusive Teaching for the New Virtual Paradigm (Virtual ICL) webinar series. It also includes links to all supporting materials associated with each episode.

10 posts

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Annette Benson

The Benefits of Multicultural Teams and Intercultural Training

This collection presents research studies on the benefits of multicultural teams and leadership in professional contexts, as well as how intercultural training in addition to diversity is necessary for team and company success. These studies were gathered from a conversation in the International Educators Community on Facebook.

8 posts

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Annette Benson

Domestic and International Responses to COVID-19

This collection features media on how different domestic and international cultures have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

44 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools for Distance Learning

The tools in this collection are either specifically designed for online learning or can be easily adapted to online learning environments.

99 posts

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Annette Benson


This collection features tools that address the concept of privilege.

12 posts

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Annette Benson


This collection contains tools that all address the topic of listening.

27 posts

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Annette Benson

Theatre of the Oppressed

Theatre of the Oppressed is a form of theatre first created by Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal. It requires audience participation (audience members are referred to as "spect-actors") and its goal is to interrogate and call attention to oppressive power structures. 

This collection includes links to a number of resources that provide various theatrical activities inspired by the Theatre of the Oppressed in addition to guidance on how to incorporate the activities into a curriculum. 

17 posts

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Annette Benson

HubICL Curator Training

This Collection contains the intercultural learning tools demonstrated at the Best Practices in Creating Your Own Intercultural Learning Tools...and before we are finished with the workshop, the tools created by the participants.

14 posts

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Annette Benson

Empathy: The good, the bad and the ugly

The AAC&U VALUE Rubrics include the skill of empathy as a facet of intercultural knowledge and competence. Through a series of original experiential activities, this WISE 2020 session provides space for participants to discuss the definition of intercultural empathy, the intersection of professionalism with empathy, and the dark, often neglected, side of empathy.

14 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools that Incorporate Podcasts

The tools in this collection all use podcasts in some form. 

7 posts

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Annette Benson

Intercultural Learning Tools for K-12

This Collection was begun in preparation for the Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG) Summit in Lake Forest, IL, on February 10, 2020.

30 posts

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Annette Benson

A Potluck of Food Attitudes, Beliefs, and Traditions to Share Around the Table

Getting people together for conversation around the table is often a first step in intercultural learning. Eating together can generate interesting conversations about how different foods generate very different memories.

46 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools for moving participants from Acceptance to Adaptation on the Intercultural Development Continuum

No matter how far along participants are on the IDC, there is always room for growth.  Because participants in Acceptance are usually fewer in number overall, they can sometimes feel under-challenged.  This collection provides a sampling of tools which can stimulate deeper conversation with participants in on the upper half of the IDC.

20 posts

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Annette Benson

Debriefing Collection

Over the years, I have found good examples and also cautionary tales of debriefing,  

27 posts

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Annette Benson

Creative Ways to Teach Hofstede

This collection contains a variety of resources on using Hofstede materials and concepts in the classroom, as well as articles about Hofstede.

25 posts

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Annette Benson

Cultural Mentoring Course

This collections contains all the curriculum tools for a Cultural Mentoring Course. These courses are from a variety of programs and are designed for study abroad students or returnees. They are offered online or in-person/on-site. 

6 posts

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Annette Benson

Question Exercises

These activities use questions to facilitate intercultural learning.

9 posts

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Annette Benson

Elimination Simulations

These simulations or games deal with the concept of elimination.

7 posts

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Annette Benson

Intercultural Learning in Teams

These activities are excellent for team-building and group work.

6 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson

Tools for Teaching the Hofstede Dimensions

All of these tools teach the Hofstede dimensions; many are written by Hofstede. 

19 posts

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Annette Benson

Building the Skill of Empathy for Language Learners

This collection focuses on building empathy with a particular group, language learners. 

10 posts

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Annette Benson

Original and Adapted Tools by the CILMAR Curation Team

Although the ideas in this collection may not be original to CILMAR, these tools contain original and adpated downloadable content, free to users. 

127 posts

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Annette Benson

Fictional Culture Simulations

A popular method for generating beginning intercultural conversations is to assign fictional cultural characteristics and then to ask participants to interact according to the rules of their assigned culture.  Several variations of this type of exercise have been published under different names.

32 posts

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Annette Benson

I Am Poems

A search of the internet reveals many ways to use the I Am poem template.

7 posts

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Annette Benson

Connecting Intercultural Learning and Values

In Dr. Tara Harvey's blog for January 29, 2019, she notes, "...intercultural competence is all about values—our own and others’. Intercultural conflicts are really, at the core, conflicts in values." So how do we teach students to think deeply about what their values are and how they interact with people who have similar and different sets of values?  This collection contains intercultural learning tools designed to cause students to think about their values and those of others.

27 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools for Developing Student Emotional Resilience (Grit and Comfort with Ambiguity)

Much is being talked and written about as to how we can develop "grit" in our students. Recently in a eulogy for Tyler Trent, the Boilermaker perhaps most often in the news during the Fall of 2018, Purdue's President Mitch Daniels (2019) defined grit as "diligence, persistence and the resilience to face life's inevitable adversity with fortitude." Daniels said that Tyler Trent was "grit personified.  Dealt a hand worse than anyone here is facing, or God willing ever will, never stopped working, or fighting, or moving ahead." This is what we mean by grit.

For more on grit, Hoerr's 2012 article for Educational Leadership, entitled "Got Grit?" is a good place to start. He begins, "Every child needs to encounter frustration and failure to learn to step back, reassess and try again" and then goes on to explain why.  

In intercultural learning, we often talk about emotional resilience, which seems to be a combination of grit and comfort with ambiguity.  Abarbanel (2009) advises that students who travel abroad need to have "an 'emotional passport'" to help them to "regulate intense emotional challenges experienced in cultural transitions."  Waters (2013) provides a list of the "10 Traits of Emotionally Resilient People" which is useful whether or not one is in an education abroad context.

What follows is a collection of tools found in the Intercultural Learning Hub (HubICL) for the teaching of emotional resilience, which might be used to increase the grit and comfort with ambiguity of our students.


24 posts

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Annette Benson

Mentored Reflection in Study Abroad

A collection of materials which strengthens the argument for the necessity of mentored reflection as a vital part of intercultural growth during the study abroad experience

28 posts

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Annette Benson

Diversity and Inclusion: The 10 Lenses

This is a collection of diversity and inclusion materials that allow for intercultural learning around the facets of the AAC&U VALUE Rubric for Intercultural Learning and Knowledge.

4 posts

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Annette Benson

Tools for teaching empathy

According to the AAC&U VALUE rubric for Intercultural Knowledge and Competence, the skill of empathy can be learned.  This collection includes presentations created to help learners develop this skill.

18 posts

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Annette Benson