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Immigration Wave: Will Europe Still Be Europe? — CBN News

This video describes the rise of right wing political parties in Europe as a result of the turmoil associated with the current refugee crisis. These political leaders play off the fear that European culture will be erased as more people enter the continent. The video points to examples, such as in Sweden, where violence has escalated because of tensions between refugees/migrants and individuals originally from Sweden. 

It's important to note that CBN (the Christian Broadcasting Network) is a far right-leaning news network that presents stories from a conservative perspective. Most of the people interviewed express anti-immigration and anti-multiculturalism viewpoints. 

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Video clips addressing immigration/migration & refugees

The video clips in this collection were used in Dr. Robert Cox's course, TECH 330: Technology and the Global Society. These videos address immigration/migration and the refugee experience from a variety of perspectives. 

13 posts

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Annette Benson