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Jonathan Haidt on Why We’re So Divided and What to Do About It

"If everything else were equal then there is some truth to what you say, because one of the big findings in personality research on politics … What’s different about the personalities of people on the left and the right is that people who have one of the big five traits, the five main personality traits, one of them is openness to experience. Kids who are born … It is partly heritable. People who are born and raised … When they’re kids they just like trying different things, they like exploring different things, they’re more open to new foods and experiences, it’s a fairly stable personality trait. Such people tend to be more attracted to progressive or left-wing causes. People who like order, predictability, stability, routine, they do tend to be attracted more to conservative parties, and that’s true around the world."

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Creating brave spaces across party lines

I have come across several examples of people or groups of people doing innovative things to reach across party lines in order to engage in dialogue. 

22 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson