
Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve created this post

Lego Privilege Game (How Easy is My Daily Life)

Designed to use Legos to lead participants to an understanding of privilege as unearned advantage without initial use of the term (privilege), which can be polarizing or scary for many. Not a board or card game, but we include it here anyway, because stacking the Legos feels playful in nature and also, like many board or card games, it requires purchasing materials.

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Board, Card & Video Games for Inclusive & Intercultural Learning

This collection curates game-based approaches to fostering the basic elements of intercultural and inclusivity competence.  It includes board games, card games, a few free video games, and even a "Lego"-based approach to creating "aha" moments around privilege and identity. Many of them are also appropriate with or even designed for learners of pre-college ages (look for the tag K-12). Some come with downloadable materials and lesson plans.

13 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve