
Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve created this post

On validity and reliability in Qualitative Research

When one is unfamiliar with qualitative research or when one is trained primarily in quantitative methods, qualitative methodologies may seem fuzzy, obscure and/or biased. Because of a societal focus on numerical or mega-data, it can also often be hard to make the case to upper administration that gathering and analyzing qualitative data is important to institutional research.  Below are links to a few articles that may assist the qualitative neophyte or the institutional researcher wanting to highlight (for example) student voices.

How is validity and reliability realized in qualitative research? (U. of Miami School of Education)

Myths and misconceptions about using qualitative methods in assessment (Harper & Kuh, 2007)

The use of scoring rubrics: validity, reliability and educational consequences (Jonsson & Svingby, 2007)

Is qualitative research more inclusive?  (Santorini, APA Trends Report, 2023)


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Qualitative Intercultural Assessment

This collection was created to highlight qualitative methods for assessing intercultural and global competence and qualitative tools in the HubICL, principally those which are open-source. It also provides access to some key readings about validity and reliability of qualitative research.

8 posts

Profile picture of Katherine Yngve

Katherine Yngve