
Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson created this post

Cultural Artifact (Show and Tell)

This activity challenges participants to analyze and discuss culture based on objects of cultural significance. All participants will bring in an object that has some sort of cultural significance to them. Upon arriving, they will place that object on a table. Then, everyone in the group will choose an object that interests them and discuss why. Finally, the owner of each object will reveal themselves and explain its significance to the group.

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Visual Learning and Nontext-based Intercultural Learning Activity Tools

This collection came about after an important conversation at the AAC&U VECOIL Institute Monthly Meet up in October 2023. Questions were raised with regard to intercultural learning tools that offer visual options only and that are not dependent on reading text for learning outcomes. This collection includes tools from the toolbox that fall under this category with the tags "visual learning" and "nontext-based." 

14 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson