Kris Acheson-Clair created this post
Acheson, et al. (2019) - Laying theoretical groundwork for new methods of assessing TL theory
When this comes out (it is still in press), I will try to get the publisher's permission to post a .pdf of the chapter here. Meanwhile, if you want a pre-production copy, just send me an email at
With my co-authors, I present in this chapter two cross-walks that align Hoggan's (2016) typology for Transformative Learning theory with existing instruments that could be used to assess it - the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory, or BEVI, and the American Association of Colleges and Universities' VALUE rubrics.
Citation (APA): Acheson, K., Dirkx, J., & Shealy, C. (in press, 2019). Assessing transformative learning. In E. Kostara, A. Gavrielatos, and D. Loads (Eds.), Transformative learning theory and praxis: New perspectives and possibilities. Taylor & Francis.