
  • Biography
    Dr. Stephanie Oudghiri is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Curriculum Studies and Director for Rural Research, Education, and Outreach at Purdue University. The overarching concentration of her work is on social justice and practices that contribute to enacting ethics of care for minoritized students in rural communities. Her research focuses on increasing pre-service teachers’ level of cultural confidence and deepening their level of understanding. Her book, “Struggling to find our way:” Rural Educators’ Experiences Working with and Caring for Latinx Students examines the beliefs, attitudes, and practices of educators in rural Indiana and serves to shed light on the entwined lives experiences of herself, her participants, and the community in which they reside. Additionally, Dr. Oudghiri engages in research that examines pre-service teachers’ partnerships with community organizations that serve our local populations and how working in these sites helps to develop competence in culturally responsive teaching and learning practices.

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