

The purpose of these activities is to include the introduction to this equity framework, practice, and reflection of equitable leadership of our current administrators within, during, and at the end of their administrative credential program. These activities were built to be used as supplemental to the 3 cycles of the California Administrator Performance Assessment CalAPA from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The CalAPA assesses the candidate's understanding and mastery of the California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE). The Equity Apps assessment is centered on the CAPEs to enhance the development of equitable leaders through participation in relevant activities. Research suggests that an understanding, perspective, and openness to grow as an equitable leader is critical in effective leadership. This supplemental assessment has been developed through workgroups established by San Diego State University in partnership with the Stuart Foundation. These activities can be used to guide a semester of a program, an entire course, or independently by events as applicable.
