Publications: All

  1. Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy

    Re-envisioning the Italian Curriculum through Active Learning and Literacy

    2021-09-14 20:50:17 | Publications | Contributor(s): Annalisa Mosca

    The article discusses the relationship between Literacy Active Learning, and Intercultural Competence, known also as Global Competence or Translingual Competence providing concrete examples of integration.

  2. Intercultural Learning in Linked 1st Year English Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    Intercultural Learning in Linked 1st Year English Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    2019-10-29 14:23:27 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Bradley Dilger, Hadi Banat, Rebekah Sims, Parva Panahi Lazarjani, Phuong Tran

    Dr. Bradley Dilger and PhD students Hadi Banat, Rebekah Sims, Parva Panahi Lazarjani, and Phuong Tran present on interactively linking courses of international and domestic students to foster intercultural learning.

  3. Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    Intercultural Learning in Italian Courses | Seed Grant 2018

    2019-04-15 11:38:39 | Presentations | Contributor(s): Tatjana Babic Williams

    Tatjana Babic-Williams, Italian faculty at Purdue University, presents on embedding intercultural learning into the Italian curriculum.