Tags: impact

All Categories (1-5 of 5)

  1. Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication

    Collections | 09 Jul 2024 | Posted by Candice Progler-Thomsen

    This collection provides self-directed training resources on embedding portable intercultural learning modules (PIM), small learning units focused on one or two elements of intercultural competence...


  2. Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication

    Collections | 01 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM) are small learning units focused on a single element of intercultural competence (one construct from the American Association of Colleges & Universities...


  3. Long-Term Impact of Study Abroad on Intercultural Development

    Collections | 28 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    From the abstract: 'The purpose of this study was to assess the long-term impact of SA on intercultural development and identify factors that may have impacted continued intercultural growth...


  4. Instructional Materials for Portable Intercultural Modules (PIM): Tricky Communication

    12 Dec 2023

    This course provides training and support for instructors who are facilitating the Portable Intercultural Module (PIM) on Tricky Communication with their learners. The course offers resources for...


  5. Portable Intercultural Module (PIM): Tricky Communication: Intent vs. Impact
