Race Talk

Subgroup Size

Large Group


1 hour

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity created by Dr. Aletha Stahl, CILMAR, based on:

Tedx Talks. (2011, Nov. 15). TEDxHampshireCollege - Jay Smooth - How I learned to stop worrying and love discussing race [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbdxeFcQtaU



The Participant Instructions include two parts – you can decide to do both or one or the other. You will need to edit the Participant Instructions based on which part you decide to facilitate. The Participant Instructions also include a long list of discussion questions. You may choose to add your own or subtract ones you do not feel are relevant to your group. You need to consider in advance whether the group operates with enough psychological safety and openness to engage productively with the questions and topics. 

Additionally, some learners thrive with the written instructions in their hands. For others, especially when there is a lot of detail that is not central to what they need to do for the activity, it is a distraction from taking in other types of information and details that you may offer verbally and/or on slides.

We suggest that you edit and present the participant instructions keeping the above information in mind.