
Profile picture of Annette Benson

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Danger of a Single Story

This media resource can help participants to understand the ways in which narratives and stories can create stereotypes about people and places. During the activity associated with the resources, participants will analyze “single stories” participants may have about specific people or cultures and demonstrate how “single stories” influence bias and stereotypes in order to complicate and grow out of these viewpoints.

The resource is available on both YouTube and the TED Talk website (see the Links section in the tool). In the Downloads section of the tool, there is a PDF with a list of discussion questions. To adapt this activity for an online learning environment, facilitators/instructors may ask participants to watch the video on their own time and then craft an essay based on those discussion questions, or create a discussion forum where participants can discuss the questions.

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Tools for Distance Learning

The tools in this collection are either specifically designed for online learning or can be easily adapted to online learning environments.

99 posts

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Annette Benson