
Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson created this post

Different Perspectives: Bias and Assumptions During Interviews

This activity asks participants to analyze bias and assumptions during an interview by taking the perspective of both interviewer and interviewee in a set of videos created by the Purdue Envision Center (see the Links section in this tool).

Both videos are available through YouTube, so participants can watch them on their own time. To adapt this activity to an online learning environment, facilitators/instructors may choose to ask students to write an essay based on the discussion questions on the handout in the Downloads section of this tool. Alternatively, participants can discuss the questions through an online discussion board. 

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Annette Benson onto Tools for Distance Learning

Tools for Distance Learning

The tools in this collection are either specifically designed for online learning or can be easily adapted to online learning environments.

99 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson