
Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson created this post

Ode to Frontline Workers — Global Play Brigade

This video features individuals from 35 countries thanking and paying tribute to frontline workers in a number of different languages.

"The Global Play Brigade (GPB) has emerged in response to the global pandemic that is affecting all of humanity. We are artists/performers/therapists/educators who come out of the growing social movement of performance activism. We believe that integrating and utilizing play, impro, clown, theater and therapeutics into everyday life is a vital methodology for creating hope, possibility, emotional well-being and development. This current human crisis is unleashing a surge of human creativity and connection that has always been there but was hidden or suppressed—and now, out of necessity, it’s seeing the light of day in beautiful expressions across the globe."

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Domestic and International Responses to COVID-19

This collection features media on how different domestic and international cultures have been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

44 posts

Profile picture of Annette Benson

Annette Benson