
Profile picture of Aletha D Stahl

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Assessments: Intercultural Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Scale (ASKS); Global Learning Scale (GLS), Civic Engagement Scale (CES)

Formative assessments developed using the definitions and descriptions of each component identified on the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) VALUE Rubrics for each construct. Can also be used as indirect measures of student learning by collecting data in retro-pre/post mode. 

Each assessment uses Bloom's Affective Domain in a 6-point Likert type scale to assess student and program outcomes.

See My Plan for Intercultural Growth for a way of using the ASKS survey as a tool for students to determine and direct their own growth in one area.

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Aletha D Stahl onto ECU Intercultural Resources

ECU Intercultural Resources

These resources are collected specifically for faculty at East Carolina University as part of a QEP designed to build intercultural learning into the on-campus curriculum. They may be useful for other institutions of higher ed as well.

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Profile picture of Aletha D Stahl

Aletha D Stahl