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How Unexamined Judgments Skew Our Understanding of the World | Sharon Kristjanson | TEDxWilmette

This video is informative for those who are working to incorporate aspects of invitational rhetoric into their interactions. Sharon Kristjanson offers 3 phrases to consider when engaging in conversation, "Ask yourself, 'How am I interpreting this?,' 'What do I not know?,' and say to the other person, 'Tell me more'" to engage in "discovery instead of debate...and transform any interaction into a creative possibility" (Kristjanson, 2021). 

Kristjanson, S. [TEDx Talks]. (2021, May 17). How unexamined judgments skew our understanding of the world \ Sharon Kristjanson \ TEDXWILMETTE. [Video]. YouTube.


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The Limits and Potentials of Rhetoric

This collection explores the concept of invitational rhetoric, with activities that encourage participants to practice invitational rhetoric, while also providing common critiques to the method.

15 posts

Profile picture of Kelsey Patton

Kelsey Patton