
Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair created this post

Looking for media to incorporate into COIL? I like "Danger of a Single Story"

This is a great short (<20 min) video to incorporate into a COIL course if you are trying to get students to complicate their understandings of the members of other groups as well as work on self-awareness of their own stereotypes and preconceptions of others. For international virtual education, I would modify this activity by assigning the video to watch individually beforehand and then providing prompts for either synchronous or asynchronous discussion among students. Small or large groups both work. I would add some debriefing questions that apply the concepts in the video to the COIL context and the particular groups represented. For example: what stories are told of the places/peoples in the COIL group? who tells those stories? what are the limitations of understanding others in the COIL experience just on those stories? what stories do students wish out-group members could hear about their cultural groups? 

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Kris Acheson-Clair onto Virtual Exchange--COIL

Virtual Exchange--COIL

Faculty interested in or engaged in COIL can find resources here relevant to the development and assessment of intercultural competence in virtual international education.

37 posts

Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair