Tags: COIL

All Categories (1-83 of 83)

  1. Intercultural Learning Activities

    Collections | 14 Jun 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Contextualizing Identities (1 hour) In this activity, participants explore how different identities become more salient under different circumstances. Reclaiming our Stories: Narratives of...


  2. Redundancia: A Foreign Language Simulation

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Annette Benson

    "This extremely powerful simulation helps participants experience speaking a language non-fluently, how it affects one's ability to stay focused and connected with the listener, and how it...


  3. Empathy and Studying Abroad

    Collections | 01 Apr 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Empathy and Tourism: Limits and Possibilities, an article We All Come From Somewhere – Part 1, an article Barbie Savior: A Lesson in Intercultural Empathy, an activity Crossing Borders,...


  4. Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    The Plant Science for Global Food Security (PSGFS) program is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded international summer research experience for undergraduate students led by Purdue...


  5. Intercultural Assessment of an Undergraduate Overseas STEM Research Experience for U.S. Students | Seed Grant 2022

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    The Plant Science for Global Food Security (PSGFS) program is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded international summer research experience for undergraduate students led by Purdue...


  6. Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Dr. Tatjana Babic Williams and Dr. Annalisa Mosca discuss their move to creating asynchronous intercultural labs during the pandemic and an upcoming COIL project to fill in the gap left by a...


  7. Embedding Intercultural Learning into World Languages: Italian at Purdue

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Dr. Tatjana Babic Williams and Dr. Annalisa Mosca discuss their move to creating asynchronous intercultural labs during the pandemic and an upcoming COIL project to fill in the gap left by a...


  8. Intercultural Learning Activities

    Collections | 28 Mar 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    The Parable, an activity Disagree Better: Empathy Gym, an activity Guess the Emotion, an activity A Flower’s Point of View, an activity Connecting Empathetically, an...


  9. Stevens Initiative Curated Resources for Virtual Exchange

    Collections | 06 Jun 2023 | Posted by Andrea Thomas

    The Stevens Initiative, a program that supports virtual exchange programs, has curated a collection of resources to assist educators and institutions in implementing virtual exchange initiatives....


  10. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State: Virtual Exchange Toolkit

    Collections | 06 Jun 2023 | Posted by Andrea Thomas

    The Collaboratory, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State developed this toolkit to support the spread of virtual exchange programming for public diplomacy.


  11. Toolkit for integration of Virtual Exchange in Higher Education

    Collections | 06 Jun 2023 | Posted by Andrea Thomas

    This Toolkit provides key information, inspiration, tools and case examples of the approaches that Higher Education Institutions can take to integrate and accredit Virtual...


  12. The GLOBE Program Virtual Exchange Toolkit

    Collections | 06 Jun 2023 | Posted by Andrea Thomas

    This toolkit was developed by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Collaboratory to support virtual exchange programming for members of the Global Learning and Observations...


  13. Virtual Exchange Guide for Senior International Officers

    Collections | 06 Jun 2023 | Posted by Andrea Thomas

    The goal of this publication is to guide Senior International Officers (SIOs) at postsecondary institutions in establishing virtual exchange as a critical part of inclusive internationalization....


  14. Story Stitch

    Collections | 21 Mar 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity invites participants to develop empathy for people from varied backgrounds and experiences, demonstrate intentional listening, and build relationships through sharing...


  15. Pacing

    Collections | 04 Nov 2022 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity challenges participants to recognize different communication patterns involving pacing. They will also reflect on how differences in pacing are perceived and how they might interact...


  16. The Parable

    Collections | 04 Nov 2022 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses a parable—a story that typically imparts a moral lesson—to get participants thinking about cultural differences and similarities. Participants will first read a...


  17. RESOURCE - Kansai University's IIGE

    Collections | 19 Oct 2022 | Posted by Ashley Dudley

    The Institute for Innovative Global Education is another leader on the world stage for COIL. They are especially committed to documenting with rigorous research the effectiveness of COIL and COIL +...


  18. Defamiliarization and Intercultural Learning in Cross-Cultural HCI Education

    19 Apr 2022 | Publications | Contributor(s):

    By Colin M Gray1, Wei Liu2, Xin Xin2, Daniel Chin1, Jacqueline Marks1, Sadie Bunting1, Jerry Anglin1, Becky Hutzel1, Samruddhi Kokate1, Yushu Yang2

    1. Purdue University 2. Beijing Normal University

    We describe a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) team with participants from China and the United States as they identified design opportunities to create charmful semi-autonomous...


  19. Adaption Scenarios

    Collections | 29 Nov 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson


  20. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 08 Apr 2021 | Posted by Nikki Leigh Mattson

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  21. Mar 22 2021


    GLOBAL INNOVATIONS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: VIRTUAL EXCHANGE/COILFree special events offered alongside ACE2021—ACE's Annual Meeting. In these free webinars, you will learn and...


  22. Zoom in, Zoom out

    Collections | 03 Nov 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    I have used this activity for years in language and linguistics classrooms (face to face) and have found it very useful for getting learners to a more complex understanding of culture when their...


  23. Counter-Storytelling

    Collections | 03 Nov 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This is a great activity for learners who need to know more about micro-aggressions (specifically those encountered by Asians and Asian-Americans in a higher education context) and how to counter...


  24. Dialogue, The

    Collections | 28 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Watching this film will enable participants to acknowledge the pressing need for intercultural understanding in an increasingly interconnected world, find an interest in developing...


  25. Danger of a Single Story

    Collections | 28 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    "Danger of a Single Story" is a TED Talk given by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. In this activity, participants will watch her TED Talk and discuss the concept of stories and how...


  26. Crossing Borders

    Collections | 28 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Watching this film will enable participants to acknowledge the pressing need for intercultural understanding in an increasingly interconnected world, find an interest in developing...


  27. Forum EA's Guide to Online Global Learning

    Collections | 16 Jun 2020 | Posted by Rachel Loren Fitzgerald

    Just out from the Forum on Education Abroad is this introductory guide for international education professionals and faculty interested in COIL, virtual exchange, and other forms of online global...


  28. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 16 Jun 2020 | Posted by Rachel Loren Fitzgerald

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  29. Video of Forum EA 2020 Conference Session

    Collections | 11 Jun 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Big thanks to the Forum on EA for helping us (myself and Drs. Jennifer Wiley and Carine Ullom) make this recent conference presentation available to the public. 


  30. Forum EA's Guide to Online Global Learning

    Collections | 11 Jun 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Just out from the Forum on Education Abroad is this introductory guide for international education professionals and faculty interested in COIL, virtual exchange, and other forms of online global...


  31. Looking for evidence of COIL effectiveness?

    Collections | 19 May 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Carine Ullom, a colleague at the University of Ottawa, sent me the link to this recent large scale longitudinal study that documents the impact of virtual exchange on learner development in...


  32. Virtual Options for Intercultural Learning

    Collections | 19 May 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    I recently created this table to encourage Purdue faculty and staff to explore virtual alternatives to more traditional ways they may have previously engaged students in intercultural learning. I...


  33. Looking to embed existing modules into your course?

    Collections | 28 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    I highly recommend the modules offered by CoreCollaborative International in collaboration with Crossing Borders Education. They use an innovative method and evidence-based best practices and have...


  34. Virtual Exchange presentation at Forum on Education Abroad 2020

    Collections | 28 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Here are the slides from my recent Forum on Education Abroad presentation with Jen Wiley (James Madison University) and Carine Ullom (Ottawa University). 


  35. Resources for Virtual Exchange

    Collections | 28 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This link sends you to a Google Doc compiled by Dr. Carine Ullom, Associate Dean of Instructional Innovation at Ottawa University that contains a very comprehensive and well-organized list of...


  36. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 17 Apr 2020 | Posted by Virginia Hosono

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  37. Forum on Education Abroad Webinar on Virtual Exchange

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Mary Lou Forward, Executive Director of the SUNY COIL center, and I recently (April 2, 2020) facilitated a webinar on Virtual Exchange for the Forum on Education Abroad's free "Response to...


  38. Intentionality with Social Presence

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    One of the challenges of COIL is to support connection and relationships between participants. Like intercultural competence development, we can't count on it to happen on its own naturally...


  39. Florida International University resource page for Global Learning

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Stephanie Dorscher at FIU has put together a useful resource page for faculty engaging in COIL or Virtual Exchange. She has posted sample activities, recommended strategies, sources of information,...


  40. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Ilya Shunko

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  41. YouTube Ethnography Project

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    While it was originally designed for study abroad pre-departure courses, Anthony Ogden's YouTube Ethnography Project is easily adaptable to a COIL context. Here is what I would do:  1....


  42. Interviewing Siri

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This activity is a fun way to engage the digital native generation in critical thinking. It could easily be done asynchronously in a virtual exchange or COIL setting - simply give the instructions,...


  43. Annette Benson's collection of Tools for Online Learning

    Collections | 03 Apr 2020 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    HubICL manager Annette Benson has created a very robust (nearly a hundred posts, last time I looked) collection of activities that translate well to virtual platforms. For those of you overwhelmed...


  44. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 26 Mar 2020 | Posted by Jairo McMican

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  45. On-line Intercultural Learning Curriculum Resources

    Collections | 11 Mar 2020 | Posted by Brittany Rock

    This collection gathers together  a variety of on-line instructional resources, most of them pre-existing courses, that support continued development of intercultural competence...


  46. Prepping English-speakers for English-medium interactions with non-native speakers

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Many COIL experiences use English as the medium of instruction, with a mix of native and non-native English speakers participating. In some cases, it's a good idea to prepare the native...


  47. Encouraging students to be open to "hard-to-pronounce" names of their counterparts in COIL

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    CILMAR Intercultural Learning Specialist Florence Adibu has recommended this reading to prep students for interacting with others whose names they may perceive to be "hard". She writes...


  48. Perspective taking - before, during, or after COIL

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Imaginative discussion activities such as "If I woke up tomorrow" make great reflective tools for empathy building and the development of capacity for perspective taking. I can see this...


  49. Guidance for students as they get to know one another

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This set of questions might be a good way for pairs or small groups to get to know each other in a COIL/international virtual education experience. I would encourage the use of synchronous meeting...


  50. Another good prep activity for students with different communication styles

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    "Pacing" is a great activity for diverse teams to increase the effectiveness of communication and improve team dynamics. We use it often at Purdue both for on-campus courses and in...


  51. A cultural values activity for diverse groups - The Parable

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    We use this often on Purdue's campus in classes and programs that include a good mix of domestic and international students. If you are looking for an activity to encourage deep conversation...


  52. Collection of assignments in Purdue's online intercultural mentoring course for long-term study abroad students

    Collections | 10 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    I think the assignments in this course are of particular interest to COIL instructors and international virtual education program developers because they are already adapted or were even originally...


  53. Intercultural Learning Outcomes - the AAC&U VALUE rubrics

    Collections | 08 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    The American Association of Colleges and Universities have created over the past decade or more a set of 16 rubrics referred to as the VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate...


  54. A good activity for pre-COIL orientation

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    D-I-E (Describe, Interpret, Evaluate) is an oldie but a goodie with an unfortunate name! When preparing students for study abroad or a COIL/international virtual education experience, it can be...


  55. Working on communication skills

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This activity is great for improving communication in diverse teams. More direct versus more indirect communication styles can be an issue in COIL/international virtual education as people with...


  56. Empathy building reflective activity

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Scenery, Machinery, People is an activity that we have been using at Purdue in various contexts - it seems really effective for encouraging self-reflection and empathy for others. In...


  57. Classic research that is still useful - with precautions!

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This interactive online tool that allows users to explore cultural values in country comparisons based on Geert Hofstede's classic research works well for both COIL/virtual international...


  58. More media possibilities - documentaries from Crossing Borders Education

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    There are several excellent recent documentaries from CBE that work well to prep students for intercultural interactions, helping them to develop more self-awareness, openness, and empathy. These...


  59. Looking for media to incorporate into COIL? I like "Danger of a Single Story"

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This is a great short (<20 min) video to incorporate into a COIL course if you are trying to get students to complicate their understandings of the members of other groups as well as work on...


  60. RESOURCE - Kansai University's IIGE

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    The Institute for Innovative Global Education is another leader on the world stage for COIL. They are especially committed to documenting with rigorous research the effectiveness of COIL and COIL +...


  61. The BEVI - a common way to assess COIL

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    One of the quantitative instruments most commonly used to assess intercultural learning outcomes in COIL is the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory. Several large scale government supported...


  62. RESOURCE - The SUNY COIL Center

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    SUNY (the State University of New York system) is one of the pioneers of international virtual exchange in the US and the world. See their website for resources, conference information,...


  63. The Name Game - A great icebreaker for COIL

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This is another way for students in a COIL experience to get to know each other with an added cultural layer to the introductions. You'll need to modify it for a virtual setting. I think it...


  64. Voices from the Past - Great icebreaker for COIL that digs deep into cultural knowledge

    Collections | 07 Oct 2019 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    I think this icebreaker is a great way to move beyond students in each group learning each others' names to a deep exploration of cultural values expressed in sayings heard during...


  65. Adapt or Be Yourself


  66. Adaptation Scenarios


  67. AFS Global Competence Certificate


  68. Barbie Savior: A Lesson in Intercultural Empathy


  69. Crossing Borders


  70. Danger of a Single Story


  71. Dialogue, The


  72. Happy 10th Birthday!


  73. Hofstede Value Dimensions Online Country Comparison Tool


  74. If I Woke Up Tomorrow


  75. Interviewing Siri


  76. Name Story, aka The Name Game


  77. O-S-E-E


  78. Pacing


  79. Parable, The


  80. Redundancia: A Foreign Language Simulation


  81. Scenery, Machinery, People


  82. Story Stitch


  83. Virtual Peer Learning Modules
