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Coding Student Artifacts Using the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Rubric

How to use the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence rubric to code student artifacts in NVivo.

  1. AAC&U Rubrics
  2. intercultural knowledge development
  3. qualitative data analysis

Measuring student intercultural learning using qualitative data can be accomplished by coding words, phrases, and sentences produced in student artifacts, including, but not limited to, varied-length texts, essays, videos, images, etc. The process of “coding” involves identifying portions of student production that demonstrate attributes of a given topic, like learning. These “codes,” are catalogued as themes, topics, or categories and can be identified in one of two ways; either as emerging, descriptive themes, or as prescriptive, predetermined or anticipated themes. This module covers the topics of inter-rater reliability, coding process, using NVivo, utilizing the AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence VALUE Rubric to code student data, and how to identify student data for qualitative data coding. This module also includes sample student data for participants to apply their learning and practice coding student journal entries.