
  • Professional Title

  • Institution / Organizaton
    CILMAR, Purdue University

  • Biography
    Being raised in a military family with early exposure to world languages and cultures fostered in me a deep appreciation for lifelong opportunities to learn about self and other through interaction across difference. My professional passion has become supporting others in the development of intercultural competence and mentoring others to do this work. As a scholar, my research interests lie in cross-cultural differences in the uses and meanings of silence, emotion labor, transformative learning, and the assessment of intercultural competence. I came to Purdue in 2016 shortly before the founding of CILMAR - the Center for Intercultural Learning, Mentorship, Assessment and Reasearch - which I now direct. CILMAR's team of learning and research specialists design effective intercultural curricula , offer professional development for faculty and staff, and conduct cutting edge scholarship of teaching and learning in on-campus, education abroad, and virtual exchange settings. The Intercultural Learning Hub serves our mission to generate and disseminate accessible and scalable resources worldwide.

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    I am a member of CILMAR

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