This was a presentation given at the Modern Language Association in January 2021. it introduces how to integrate intercultural competence activities in the foreign, second or world languages curriculum. After a brief theoretical introduction, explicitly it moves to show the parallels of IC to Kern's Literacy theories -seen by many as the new methodology of teaching foreign languages. It proceeds showing the parallels between the widely used AAC&U Intercultural Knowledge and Competence rubric and Baiutti's Protocollo di valutazione Intercultural. Comprendere problematizzare e valutare la mobilità studentesca internazionale in order to show relevance both to US approaches and European approaches to teaching of of IC and languages. Finally it presents a practical overview of the activities that have been integrated in the Purdue Italian Language levels in order to give an example of what can be done with IC even in part in the foreign language at the beginning levels of language learning.
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Mosca, A. (2022). Integrating Intercultural Competence Harmoniously into the curriculum.
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