"Building the Skill of Empathy for Language Learners" 6 posts Sort by created date Sort by defined ordering View as a grid View as a list

Understanding Accents Different from Your Own

This intercultural learning module enables learners to develop empathy for individuals with different accents and also place responsibility on themselves, as the listener, to understand accents different from their own. 

This module is currently only available to Purdue faculty and staff through Brightspace. To request access, please email Dr. Aletha Stahl at stahl23@purdue.edu. 

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A volunteer is invited to make a presentation on any topic. The volunteer is asked to double up on every verb by immediately following it with a synonym. Other participants are invited to pair up and have a conversation, doubling up on all verbs. During the debrief, the facilitator relates the experience with being preoccupied with words and sentence patterns of a second language.

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Double Talk

This Thiagi jolt asks participants to role play to better understand the impact of distractions and self-talk. 

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Hello in Different Languages

Hello in Different Languages, an activity by J. Niell, teaches participants about different languages and exposure to language. 

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Redundanica, a simulation, helps  participants to develop empathy for those communicating in a second (non-native) language.

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Piglish is a language-learning exercise developed by J. M. Blohm, C. Hartley, & T. Lapinsky. It teaches the process of learning a new language.

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