Tags: k-12

All Categories (1-100 of 195)

  1. Intercultural Learning Activities

    Collections | 14 Jun 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Contextualizing Identities (1 hour) In this activity, participants explore how different identities become more salient under different circumstances. Too American, Never American...


  2. CERCLL Collection for Language Teachers

    Collections | 12 Jun 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Welcome CERCLL affiliates and ICC conference attendees! I have put together this collection of activities that you might find useful in supporting intercultural development in language classrooms,...


  3. Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021

    Collections | 16 May 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Given the prominent role of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in preparing pre-service teachers to be culturally relevant educators, [the authors] developed a series of online learning...


  4. Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021

    Collections | 29 Mar 2024 | Posted by Purdue CILMAR

    Given the prominent role of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in preparing pre-service teachers to be culturally relevant educators, [the authors] developed a series of online learning...


  5. Assessing Empathy

    Collections | 28 Mar 2024 | Posted by Kelsey Patton

    Interpersonal Reactivity Index, an assessment The Scale of Ethno-Cultural Empathy (SEE), an assessment Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, an assessment Behavioral Rubric for Intercultural...


  6. Group Drawing: A Collaborative Reflection Activity for Online or In-Person Experiences

    Collections | 25 Oct 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Created by Jen Stanchfield, this is a reflection activity in which a group is asked to depict their experience together in a visual format. 


  7. Intercultura Assessment Protocol

    Collections | 04 Mar 2023 | Posted by Katherine Yngve

    In addition to English and Italian versions of the Rubrica Valutativa della Competenzia Interculturale (see HubICL Tool #467), this toolkit contains a reflection logbook for students, guidelines...


  8. Core Cultural Values Mapping Exercise

    Collections | 25 Feb 2023 | Posted by Katherine Yngve

    As a result of this reflection tool as a formative assessment, students will be able to: 1. "Reflect upon their own and their home cultural value." 2. "Name, define, and discuss...


  9. Human Values Continuum

    Collections | 30 Jan 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity challenges participants to recognize and analyze their reactions to a variety of cultural values.  Within our session, we used this tool as an opportunity to practice...


  10. History and Political Science

    Collections | 18 Jan 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Guns or Butter, an activity Understanding Empathy Through Jojo Rabbit, a media resource, activity, and discussion guide Examining Monuments as Cultural Expression, an activity History Course...


  11. STEM

    Collections | 18 Jan 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Working in Unfamiliar Surroundings Quiz, an activity STEM Education Publications by Purdue Faculty, a collection Picture A ..., an activity By the Numbers, an activity Ice Sculpture (per...


  12. College of Education

    Collections | 18 Jan 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Reclaiming our Stories: Narratives of Identity, Resilience and Empowerment, a media resource Multicultural Education, a collection Publications of Transculturation Team, a collection Say It In...


  13. Women's and Gender Studies

    Collections | 18 Jan 2023 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Photo Analysis: Women of Cover, an activity Red Pill, The (documentary), a media resource Selling Masculinity, a media resource and discussion guide diversophy® Gender Identity &...


  14. Supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants' Intercultural Competencies | Seed Grant 2021

    04 May 2022 | Reports/White Papers | Contributor(s):

    By Temitope F. Adeoye1, Virginia T Cabrera1, Daniela Castellanos-Reyes1, Michael R Lolkus1, Marquetta I Strait1

    Purdue University

    Given the prominent role of graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in preparing pre-service teachers to be culturally relevant educators, we developed a series of online learning modules for GTAs in a...


  15. Not just for study abroad

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    We have been using the Amazing Race in Study Abroad support courses for many years at Purdue, but I think it has applications to the language classroom as well. You would just need to adapt...


  16. For those who like a good critical incident

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    There are a ton of resources linked from the Critical Incident tool under Links. Check out all the ways that you can get your learners to imagine themselves in a culturally fraught situation and...


  17. Focusing on space

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Draw a House is a good proxemics activity. Rather than the more typical focus of personal space bubbles in most proxemic learning exercises, this one emphasizes the differences in how people around...


  18. An oldie but a goodie

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    This activity, the Scissors Game, has been around forever, but I still like it because it is simple, fun, kinesthetic, and effectively makes the point that students need to pay attention to other...


  19. Speaking of stereotypes...

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    If you are looking for a way to get students to recognize and address stereotypes, this is a basic activity for changing stereotypes into generalizations. 


  20. Send students to the web

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    There are great cultural learning web resources out there. Some are proprietary and have associated costs (see Country Navigator as an example). The Hofstede website tool is free, but I always...


  21. Looking for a good worksheet?

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Culture mapping gets students to think about their own cultural values, which can be helpful both for self-awareness and in preparation to interact with someone from another language background....


  22. A great kinesthetic activity

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Language Envelopes takes a lot of effort to put together, but boy is it worth it! I love seeing students creatively trying to arrange objects into categories and eventually coming to the conclusion...


  23. Comfort with discomfort

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Part of openness, or the willingness to interact across cultural differences, is tolerance for discomfort (social, emotional, mental, physical), so activities like this can be helpful for students...


  24. Great video to develop Openness

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    One of my favorite media activities uses the TED talk "The Danger of a Single Story". It is highly engaging and can be used to inspire openness to multiple narratives and perspectives....


  25. The SALTO Youth Toolbox

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Annette Benson pulled this toolbox into one of her collections, with lots of concrete details about where to find elements of the SALTO collection in the HubICL, so I am passing along that resource...


  26. Icebreakers with physical props

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    For those of you who like to give your students something physical to manipulate, these experiential tools are great for icebreakers as well as debriefing learning. My absolute favorite is the...


  27. Icebreakers that highlight culture

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    Two of my favorite culturally focused icebreakers are Voices from the Past and the Name Game. You can read what I wrote about them in this TESOL collection or visit them directly in the toolbox....


  28. Icebreakers

    Collections | 18 Jan 2022 | Posted by Kris Acheson-Clair

    In any collection for teachers I like to include a few icebreakers that are appropriate to the teaching context. Many teachers overlook the teaching potential of icebreakers, which are useful for...


  29. How are you feeling

    Collections | 30 Nov 2021 | Posted by Katherine Yngve

    This assessment measures: 1. How participants feel about the pace & focus of a learning activity. 2. Other possibilities participants imagine that might feel more comfortable.


  30. Story Cubes

    Collections | 19 Jan 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity, from Zygomatic Studios, helps participants demonstrate creative storytelling abilities. 


  31. Lookism

    Collections | 19 Jan 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity introduces the concept of lookism and helps participants identify how appearance affects bias. 


  32. Growth Mindset Activity for STEM

    Collections | 19 Jan 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps students challenge stereotypes related to intellectual ability and reflect on their own strategies for growth. A version for middle school students is available in the Links...


  33. Student Computer Art Society E-Games for Intercultural Learning

    Collections | 19 Jan 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    The games on this site expose young learners to a variety of intercultural learning concepts: Cultural Diversity Test Cultural Quiz Guess the Proverb! Trip Around Europe Trip Around Europe...


  34. Council of Europe - Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters

    Collections | 19 Jan 2021 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Includes two related activities: Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters Images of Others: An Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media


  35. Is That A Fact?

    Collections | 19 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants are provided with sets of Facts/Opinion Statement Cards and asked whether the statements on the cards are facts or opinions. 


  36. People with Disabilities

    Collections | 19 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, students will experience what it might be like for someone with a learning disability. 


  37. Chocolate Milk and Shades of Skin Colors

    Collections | 19 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, the facilitator will use a glass of milk and powdered chocolate drink mix to explain why people have different skin colors.


  38. Unequal Resources

    Collections | 19 Oct 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants will be divided into groups, and each group will be given a large ziplock bag with different art supplies in each bag. All groups, despite having different supplies,...


  39. Reading Ads with a Social Justice Lens — Teaching Tolerance

    Collections | 10 Jun 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This series of activities created by Teaching Tolerance helps students recognize bias and stereotypes in advertising and develop a social justice mindset while consuming media. The activities are...


  40. If the World Were a Village

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants watch a video about an imaginary "world village" that embraces cultural differences and compare it to their own experiences.


  41. Hot Seat

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants are asked to assume the role of a character described in a text and attempt to empathize with them by acting out their thoughts, behaviors, and personality...


  42. KWL (Know, Want Learn)

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants will connect what they already know about a presented topic to determine what they want to learn. Then, they will reflect on what they have learned about themselves...


  43. Critical Incident Role Plays

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants will be presented with an incident, and they will act out the scenario in order to empathize with different roles. 


  44. Culture Capsules

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, students will investigate an issue (like family roles, holidays, pets, etc.) related to a particular culture and then compare it to their own culture.


  45. Q-R-R (Question, Reactions, Reflections)

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This reflection framework will enable participants to more deeply question intercultural issues and synthesize ideas. 


  46. Text Takes

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants examine a variety of texts on the same topic and discuss each of the text's interpretations in relation to their own experiences. 


  47. Fish Bowl

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants practice listening to other's experiences and perspectives by observing each other during conversation. 


  48. Understanding Culture: Changes Over Time

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, students will consider how their grandparents might answer questions like, "How do you greet friends?" or "What do you find funny?" The goal is for them to...


  49. Intercultural Communicator Poster

    Collections | 12 May 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This media resource depicts the key skills needed for successful intercultural communication. 


  50. Guided Writing Exercises

    Collections | 05 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    The guided writing exercises in this tool help participants to interpret details from daily experience and discriminate between various sets of cultural expectations. The exercises provided in the...


  51. Body Ritual Among the Nacirema

    Collections | 05 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    "The Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" is a satirical anthropology paper written by Horace M. Miner in the 1950s. It is a commonly assigned reading for a number of subjects (sociology,...


  52. Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right

    Collections | 02 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This reflection activity allows participants to consider assigned topics and share their thoughts with others. 


  53. Block Exchange

    Collections | 02 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This tool is very versatile and can be used for reflection in number of contexts. The facilitator can determine the objectives. 


  54. Clapboard Skits

    Collections | 02 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity enables participants to demonstrate their understanding of a previous learning experience. 


  55. Story Cubes

    Collections | 02 Mar 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    During this activity, participants will be able to demonstrate creative storytelling abilities. There are several types of Story Cubes that can be used for different contexts (see the Links...


  56. Treasure Chest

    Collections | 27 Feb 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This reflection allows participants to consider assigned topics and share their thoughts with others. It can be used in a variety of contexts and is most appropriate for young children. 


  57. The Big Wind Blows

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity enables participants to become more comfortable with taking risks and sharing about themselves. It can be adapted for many different types of groups and contexts. 


  58. 14 Ways to Say Thank You Internationally

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses crossword puzzles to help students understand culture and its influence on behavior and begin to recognize different cultural traditions. 


  59. Be Specific (Snowflake)

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps participants to understand the importance of using specific language in order to effectively communicate.


  60. Birds of a Feather

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses playing cards to help participants recognize that people bring different talents, perspectives, and backgrounds to groups, as well as understand the benefits of forming...


  61. By the Numbers

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps participants understand the relationship between stereotypes, beliefs, and perceptions and explore the limitations of inductive thinking, including confirmation bias.


  62. Reflection Tools from the Buffalo County Cooperative Extension

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This resource provides ideas for reflective activities that can be used by K-12 educators: Block Exchange Clapboard Skits Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right Treasure Chest


  63. Co-Opoly

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Co-opoly is a board game where participants run a democratically managed cooperative business as part of a group. Through this game, paricipants practice communication, conflict...


  64. Connect the Dots

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants attempt to solve a puzzle to demonstrate why it can be difficult to "think outside the box."


  65. Cultural Artifact (Show and Tell)

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity asks participants to share a cultural artifact that is important to them. The goal is to help participants not only get to know each other, but also learn about different cultures and...


  66. D-I-E/D-A-E/O-S-E-E

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This set of tools provides participants with several frameworks for analyzing culture. 


  67. Draw a Tree

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses drawing to help participants identify the importance of critically considering invisible/non-visible habits or elements and recognize and discuss selective thinking and...


  68. Empathy not Sympathy

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    After watching the YouTube video, Brené Brown on empathy, participants should be able to recognize the difference between empathy and sympathy.


  69. Fist Press

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps participants understand the impact of pressure on another person, learn how to become less reactive in difficult situations, and recognize how instinctive behaviors can...


  70. I Am From Poems/I Am Poems

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    The “Where I’m From” project, presented by the Kentucky Arts Council and Kentucky Poet Laureate 2015-2016 George Ella Lyon, ended December 31, 2016. The arts council is no longer...


  71. Lemons/Potato

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    These two activities use food to help participants reflect on how stereotypes emerge and understand their negative effects. 


  72. Yes/No

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    In this activity, participants answer a set of yes/no questions in order to "gain an awareness of [their] cultural conditioning" (Deardorff, 2012, p. 72). 


  73. Au Contraire

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses "proverb cards" to help participants practice logical thinking,  recognize and explain hindsight bias, and understand how opposing positions function and the...


  74. Empathy Ball

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Empathy Ball is an icebreaker game that helps students connect with each other. During the game, students will throw/pass around a ball with questions written on it. When students catch the ball,...


  75. Building a House for Diversity (parable)

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses a parable to help participants identify feelings of inclusion/exclusion as dependent on context, recognize that structural exclusion can exist, and analyze the...


  76. Chain of Diversity

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This interactive activity helps participants see the ways in which they are both similar and different. 


  77. Beach Ball Ice Breaker

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This icebreaker activity uses a beach ball to help participants learn about each other's interests and lives.


  78. Cross the Line/First Touch/Jolt of Reality/Newton

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    These four activities enable participants to practice negotiation and conflict resolution skills. 


  79. Cultural Worldview Frameworks

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity enables participants to share their worldview frameworks, communicate with a person from another culture, and develop openness and curiosity toward another culture. 


  80. Dividing the Spoils/Alpha-beta Parternership

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    These two activities will help participants understand how culture affects our worldview and our behaviors, particularly in terms of rewards and negotiations. 


  81. Duck or Rabbit

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    Through the use of optical illusions, this activity will help participants understand the concept of paradoxes and the opposable mind and alternate mentally between two contradictory ideas.


  82. Tookit "Building Bridges for a more Inclusive Rural Europe

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This toolkit provides several different types of activities that promote inclusivity. 


  83. Flower Power

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses art to help participants "develop understanding about the connection between human needs, personal well-being and human rights; develop skills to reflect and analyse,...


  84. Go Bananas!

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps participants "recognize they have automatic ways of doing things they do not think about, and also recognize the power of diversity and appreciate that there is more than...


  85. Guess the Emotion

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity uses "emotion cards" to help participants to articulate definitions of their own and others' emotions, practice empathy, better understand their team members’...


  86. Language Envelopes

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity helps participants to identify the personal nature of creating categories, identify some differences in verbal communication and misunderstandings that can occur, and acquire partial...


  87. Snowball

    Collections | 16 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    This activity enables participants to develop greater awareness of others' backgrounds and describe their own background in an inclusive manner.


  88. Yes/No

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  89. Snowball

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  90. Lemons/Potato

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  91. Language Envelopes

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  92. I Am From Poems/I Am Poems

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson

    The “Where I’m From” project, presented by the Kentucky Arts Council and Kentucky Poet Laureate 2015-2016 George Ella Lyon, ended December 31, 2016. The arts council is no longer...


  93. Guess the Emotion

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  94. Flower Power

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  95. Fist Press

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  96. Tookit "Building Bridges for a more Inclusive Rural Europe

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  97. Empathy not Sympathy

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  98. Duck or Rabbit

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  99. Draw a Tree

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson


  100. Dividing the Spoils/Alpha-beta Parternership

    Collections | 13 Jan 2020 | Posted by Annette Benson
