Cultural Artifact (Show and Tell)

Subgroup Size

Entire group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Deardorff, D. K. (2012). Cultural artifact. In K. Berardo & D. K. Deardorff (Eds.), Building cultural competence: Innovative activities and models (pp. 155-157). Stylus Publishing.

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  1. User ramos102's profile picture ramos102 10:34 am 04 December 2023

    An insightful activity that can be done with virtually. From my experience it is a great ice-breaker to get to know participants in an informal way. It can also serve as a catalyst to organic conversations to learn more about participants perspectives on their and or another culture. The activity leaves the participant with food for thought and is a simple way to increase their cultural-self-awareness. It is versatile thus making it applicable and adaptable to many languages and any context. 

  2. User stahl23's profile picture stahl23 11:13 am 12 December 2023

    I've done this activity in person and virtually, with traditionally-aged college students and with older learners. Depending on what people share, it can lead to deep connections. Even if group sharing of artifacts is more surface, the debrief can bring out deeper insights. I recommend going through the HubICL Professional Development Module on identity (easy level) to see how some people may carry out this activity and to think about additional questions or activities to pair with it for cultural self-awareness.  

  3. User annettebenson1's profile picture annettebenson1 12:29 pm 13 December 2023

    The HubICL Professional Development self-learning module which Aletha Stahl mentions below can be accessed at