Consensus Cards

Subgroup Size

Entire group


30 minutes

External Cost



Training Wheels Gear. (n.d.). Consensus cards.

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  1. User awoolcoc's profile picture awoolcoc 2:52 pm 26 October 2023

    The consensus card activity has a lot of potential for easing group discussion and creating space for dissenting or alternative opinions. I appreciate in the instructions that these cards should be used in decisions of evolving complexity - first used for small/low impact decisions, but with time used for higher impact decisions. When I read the "examples" for how they could be used, they are examples that might apply to childhood or secondary education, but honestly reaching a consensus in group discussions is challenging into and through adulthood and in professional settings. Often when a group leader asks, verbally, if there is agreement it can be challenging for someone who needs clarification or disagrees to feel safe or comfortable voicing their opinion - especially if they feel they may be the only one in opposition or with reservations. These cards would create an obligation of all participants to display their opinion, and creates ground rules that welcome the "yellow" or "red" response with pre-determined responses/premises for how to proceed if there is not consensus. I see value for these cards in a number of scenarios beyond just the classroom.