Theatre (Theater) of the Oppressed

Subgroup Size

Entire group


No duration provided

External Cost



Boal, A. (1979). Theatre of the oppressed (C.A. McBride & M.O.L. McBride, Trans). Theatre Communications Group, Inc.


Boal, A. (2002). Games for actors and non-actors (2nd edition, A. Jackson, Trans). Routledge.


Midha, G. (2010). Theatre of the oppressed: A manual for educators [Master's Capstone Project, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Center for International Education].



Theatre of the Oppressed is a form of theatre first created by Brazilian theatre practitioner Augusto Boal. This tool provides a number of resources (Links) that include various theatrical activities inspired by the Theatre of the Oppressed and also provide guidance on how to incorporate the activities into a curriculum.