Perfectly Logical Explanations

Subgroup Size

Entire group


1 hour

External Cost


Lesson Plan


LSA Inclusive Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan. (2017, August 24). Perfectly logical explanations.

From the LSA Teaching Initiative, University of Michigan:

  • "Because dominant narratives are, by definition, dominant, students may exhibit resistance to participating in a critical analysis of a [perfectly logical explanation] PLE. PLE’s are often informed by powerful ideologies that students may not be accustomed to interrogating. You will need to push students to challenge their confidence in the logic of dominant narratives.
  • This activity is time consuming (potentially taking an entire class period). However, the more time spent on it, the more likely that students will build the skill to interrogate other dominant narrative/perfectly logical explanations in the future."

This activity can be done in conjunction with Dominant Narratives.