Postcard to Your Future Self

Subgroup Size

Large Group


30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Stanchfield, J. (2018, June 1). Postcard to your future self. Experiential Tools.

This activity is designed for educators "as a closing reflection activity" in workshops.

As per Jennifer Stanchfield (2018):

“Ask participants to choose a postcard that represents a strength they bring to their group or team, or one that represents an essential learning they are taking away from the experience.

Have them find a quiet place to reflect and write a postcard to their future self that includes the following:

  • A reminder of their strength or idea that inspired them to choose the postcard.
  • A key lesson they are taking from the experience that they don’t want to forget.
  • A commitment to their future self

Ask them to self-address the postcard and leave them with you to send at a future date.”