Proxemics in Conversations Across Cultures

Subgroup Size



15 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Activity adapted by CILMAR staff based on:


Adler, R. B., Rodman, G. R., & DuPré, A. (2012). In Understanding human communication, Activity: Distance Violations (p. 183 - 184). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.


Blasius, R. [Rebecca Blasius]. (2015, November 21). English 12 proxemics activity. [Video]. YouTube.

This activity can be facilitated quickly, within 15 minutes, however if you would like to add more cultural study in proxemics, consider assigning pre-work and engaging in a discussion before facilitating this activity, or include a lesson and discussion on proxemics immediately following facilitation of this activity. The following sources (or one of your choice) may be used to inform a lesson (also in Links):

Hall, E. T. (1963). A system for the notation of proxemic behavior. American anthropologist, 65(5), 1003-1026.

Rakhmankulova, A. (2020, September 25). “Don’t stand so close to me!” How does your culture affect your attitude to personal space?. [Article]. LinkedIn.

Lawrence, T. W. (2017, December 27). When does close become too close?. Psychology today.