
Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair created this post


This is a great activity for learners who need to know more about micro-aggressions (specifically those encountered by Asians and Asian-Americans in a higher education context) and how to counter them. I did it recently online with staff, but it could easily be used for students as well. It is a great mix of theory and practice, includes multimedia, and ends with a useful discussion of cultural humility.

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Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair onto Virtual Exchange--COIL

Virtual Exchange--COIL

Faculty interested in or engaged in COIL can find resources here relevant to the development and assessment of intercultural competence in virtual international education.

37 posts

Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair