
Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair created this post

Conversation starters are a great resource for language teachers

Whether you are assigning conversation partners amongst your own students, or pairing them with native speakers externally, it is extremely useful to provide some structure and guidance for their communication. To focus on cultural learning as well as listening and speaking practice, try out these sets of discussion prompts. The last one, Keep it Real, is an actual board game that would be great for in-person classroom use and really gets at issues of inclusion and social justice.

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CERCLL Collection for Language Teachers

Welcome CERCLL affiliates and ICC conference attendees! I have put together this collection of activities that you might find useful in supporting intercultural development in language classrooms, including great culturally oriented icebreakers and tools related to nonverbal communication, cultural worldview frameworks, and openness. Enjoy, and let me know if there are other activities you think should be included here.

24 posts

Profile picture of Kris Acheson-Clair

Kris Acheson-Clair