Events: Details

Bring people together: Culturas diversophy® (part 2 of 2)

Category: Workshop

Bring people together. Games – the power of interaction
· diversophy® game sessions, each Thursday at 18:00 UTC ·

February 25th: "Culturas" game developed by the workgroup "Les Colibris de la Diversité" founded by Aziza Benrahal.
The game was developed by Grazia Ghellini, Salah Boudi, Aziza Benrahal and Ghislaine Tamisier.

"Culturas" is a game about the cultures of France’s main monotheistic religions and their values, and the secular values of the French Republic, designed to “undo polarisation”, foster knowledge and rekindle curiosity of “the other”. It was initially designed as a tool for preventing polarization and as an “antidote” for radicalization of all kinds, especially amongst young people living in France. The game was later further developed to promote peaceful and respectful dialogue within culturally and religiously diverse communities and companies world-wide.

·  This week we play in French as well - Cette semaine, nous jouons aussi en français  ·

25 février: Le jeu"Culturas", développé par "Les Colibris de la Diversité", groupe de travail fondé par Aziza Benrahal.
"Culturas" a été développé par Grazia Ghellini, Salah Boudi, Aziza Benrahal et Ghislaine Tamisier.

"Culturas" est un jeu tous publics destiné à mieux faire connaître les valeurs de la République française ainsi que les valeurs et traditions des principales religions monothéistes présentes en France. En abordant le fait religieux par le jeu, "Culturas" tend à démystifier ce registre et les appréhensions qui planent autour de cette composante de la culture. Son but est de cultiver la curiosité saine de l’Autre, celle qui motive la connaissance, favorise l’attitude d’accueil et aide à tisser des liens.

Free access:
Read more:
- about this weekly event:
- about the game:

When: Thursday 25 February, 2021, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm GMT
Where: Online
  1. diversophy
  2. experiential learning
  3. France
  4. intercultural
  5. intercultural communication
  6. intercultural competence
  7. intercultural competence development
  8. intercultural difference
  9. intercultural exchange
  10. intercultural interventions
  11. intercultural knowledge development
  12. intercultural learning
  13. intercultural learning opportunities
  14. virtual intercultural learning
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