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  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 10 Apr 2020

About the Group

Public Description

The Wesleyan Intercultural Competence Scale (WICS) is a new, validated instrument based on the DMIS (Stemler, 2014). Though it has interesting potential, relatively little research has been done based on it (list of publications in the project).

This project is to bring together those who are interested in pursuing further developments around the WICS - specifically around further developing the instrument, and, where necessary further validation.

Currently, the project is involved in removing the US-based perspective (v2_xUS) so that it is applicable to students going on a study abroad from any 'home' country. An initial draft of such a second version v2_xUS version has been adapted by and is being piloted in the Netherlands (University of Groningen). 
Additional thoughts and feedback are welcome!

(For now, also exists as a project... still navigating the system.)