Subtle Prejudice Activity

Subgroup Size

Small Group


30 minutes

External Cost



Chance, K. & Szoko, N. (2014). Subtle prejudice activity. Breaking the Prejudice Habit: Awareness Harmony Acceptance Advocates.

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  1. User krisacheson's profile picture krisacheson 6:37 am 03 November 2020

    We did this activity recently as professional development in a staff meeting, and it was a great conversation starter. One of the things that came up, though, was a concern about construct validity for some items - that is, that sometimes the items seem to be measuring something other than what they were intended to measure. For example, we noticed that with items such as "You watch someone who does not have a visible disability park in a handicap spot" and "Your friend sees an overweight person and makes a joke about him/her," some of had a highly empathetic response and marked ourselves as uncomfortable FOR the person with the stigmatized identity rather than AROUND them. In our debriefing, we questioned whether this should have raised or lowered our score on the assessment because unlike most items, which measure level of discomfort in interacting with minoritized or marginalized identities, these items seem to measure level of discomfort with the ways our society minoritizes/marginalizes people of that identity. The items we discussed are not currently reverse-coded. This is just something to keep in mind if you use this activity as a formative assessment with learners - your debriefing might turn to critique of the survey rather than encouraging self-reflection.