Study Abroad Advice Card Game

Subgroup Size



30 minutes

External Cost


Lesson Plan


Original activity by Kris Acheson-Clair, Lindsey MacDonald, and the Purdue Study Abroad Advisers.

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  1. User krisacheson's profile picture krisacheson 6:28 pm 03 October 2022

    I used this in a pre-departure session for a faculty-led study abroad program to Brazil. It was great because the interactive nature of the card game kept students engaged, and the element of social learning encouraged students to contribute their own expertise from previous travel. The students with less experience sometimes expressed a lack of confidence in their recommendations. For this reason, mixed groups with students of more and less experience living, studying, or traveling abroad can be useful. The other thing I noticed is that I underestimated the time needed for the activity. The students were eager to talk at length about the advice offered in this card game, perhaps because it was addressing some of their anxiety about preparing for the upcoming trip.

  2. User lee2810's profile picture lee2810 4:09 pm 03 April 2024

    The "Study Abroad Advice Card Game" strategically prepares students for their international experiences by prompting critical thinking and discussion around various pieces of advice. Although the diverse array of cards offers thorough preparation for pre-departure, on-site experiences, and post-return reflections, the sheer volume can overwhelm participants, extending the decision-making process. Implementing categories labeled 'before,' 'during,' and 'after' could significantly enhance the game's efficiency, allowing students to easily sort and prioritize advice based on the timing of their study abroad phases. This modification would preserve the game's educational value, making it an even more effective and expedient tool for student preparation.

  3. User yuhr's profile picture yuhr 10:54 am 23 April 2024

    I utilized the 'Study Abroad Advice Card Game' from the HubICL Toolbox in my GRAD 590 class to facilitate a session on studying abroad. This activity involved pairing international students with local students in breakout Zoom rooms, which allowed for a mix of perspectives and personal experiences related to studying abroad. The game was particularly engaging for the students, enhancing their learning by allowing them to share personal insights and receive real-time feedback on their understanding of international education. More than half of the class consisted of international students who could share their firsthand experiences, which added a layer of authenticity and relevance to the discussions. This setup not only kept the students engaged but also fostered an environment of mutual learning and understanding. The pairing strategy was effective in integrating diverse perspectives and ensuring that less experienced students could benefit from their more seasoned peers. For future sessions, I plan to refine the pairing process to further optimize the learning environment. This could involve more structured guidelines for discussion to ensure that all students, regardless of their experience level, can contribute meaningfully. Additionally, I would allocate more time for the activity to accommodate the high level of engagement and the detailed discussions that unfold. By implementing these changes, I aim to enhance the effectiveness of the activity and ensure that all participants gain maximum benefit from the experience.